Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Media Manager App Idea

Here's my rough sketch of an app that would work with Google Docs to store drivers for multiple USB and SD devices.
bigger picture
My idea is to have a local app that will function well with things like an iPod or a flash drive in order to play media from the USB device so the user could plug (let's say) an iPod in, the app would access a driver for it on Docs, or that could be stored locally too, and the CR-48 would have access to the device to perform simple functions like uploading pictures to Picasa or Picnik without using a terminal and shell. This would make playing music, watching movies, or showing family pictures much easier when no WiFi or 3G is available or having to download the files.

The "about:plugandplay" I added in there is just a suggestion, as well as all the titles and such. It just gives the basic idea of the app.

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